Sunday, March 15, 2009

The First Sign of Spring

Around here I do not consider either the warmer winds or the appearance of Robin Redbreast as the first sign of spring. Spring has never officially sprung for me until mid-march when Samuel enthusiastically comes running to find me with one of the newly emerged yellow crocuses around our yard. I still have pressed and framed the first one he ever brought me in March of 2007. It touched me because it occured to his little barely three year old self to bring his mom a flower without any prompting or coaxing of that perfect hallmark moment. I will be very sad when he doesn't come running to me with them anymore. Little "Monkey See, Monkey Do" has also picked up the tradition and their requests for what I do with them are getting more and more awesome (i.e. "Put it in your hair mom!").
I have very sweet boys! Disregard anything else I might say about them around dinner time on any given night.


Jen said...

How sweet! Although it was 55 (above zero) today I am trying not to get my hopes up that spring has sprung. It is only March and less than a week ago it was 5 below zero. I am keeping my fingers crossed though :)

Anonymous said...

They are special little boys and you are a wonderful mom!

Anya said...

That's how our Drew is too. I want to believe that it is a boy thing.
Though, I LOVE my girls, I have to say, I ADORE my little guy. Something about moms and their little men, that just makes your heart sing.