Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dear Aunt Kate and Uncle Matt

Today at library time, the subject was A for Australia. I reminded Samuel that Uncle Matt's house is in Australia and I wanted to share the picture he colored with you. I was going to mail it to you, but he really wants to hang it on his art board. He very reluctantly let it out of his hands to let me scan it. I have added the numbers for translation purposes.
#1 - The green circles are trees and the brown are pinecones. The pinecones are being thrown at the trees. The green swoop is the slide at the park and the the brown U is a swing.
#2 - A Koala Bear
#3 - Our house. The brown circles in the middle are the rocks at our house and the lines are our steps.
#4 - A monkey from the zoo.
#5 - Uncle Matt's house
#6 - A Spider with 8 legs
#7 - I just liked that he wanted to use the big A to sign his name and then forgot and wrote it again. SAAM!
As I wrote this, I told Sam we were making a letter for you and asked if he wanted to say anything for me to write down. This is how the conversation went (and keep in mind, that he was spelling out these random letters, not trying to type on the keyboard):

Me: Samuel, do you want to say anything to Kate and Matt?
S: um, say QRSTUV
Me: Are you sure?
S: Also say 6 and 4 and 3.
Me: No, Sam, you're supposed to say things like I love you, and I miss you.
S: Ok, what about QSTUV?
Me: You already said that. Are you sure that's all you want to say?
S: SRQGUV7G. That's all I have to say.

Do you guys have some kind of code I am not aware of? If QRSTUV doesn't say I miss you, then I guess nothing does!


Kate said...

Great blog Cynj. I wish we had the picture in the flesh! Matt says he hopes that Sam can show him around Australia someday. And that he got his house just right!

Thanks for thinking about us! Or, well Matt at least.