Friday, January 2, 2009

Untrimming the tree

Today I tried to generate some enthusiasm from Sam for helping me take apart the tree (yes it is still up all you self-righteous overachievers!) I said we would have to take all the ornaments off and pack them away. He looked thoughtfully at the tree and said in complete seriousness "I know!! How about we just knock the tree down and all the ornaments will come off that way!"

I can't fault him for his logic since that's what happened the other six times he and T knocked the tree over.

*UPDATE* We did not knock the tree over to remove the ornaments but Thomas helped me take them off and put them in the box. He was out of the room when I dismantled the tree and put it in the box and wandered in to find the empty space. He instantly burst into tears and asked "why did you take christmas away, mom!?" I felt like a real scrooge and promises of a "really cool" new holiday called valentines day coming up did not fool him at all.


Becky said...

um. my tree is still up and I really like Sam's idea. maybe we'll give it a try tonight.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it feel just as good to get it all put away as it did to get it up. Putting away Christmas Decorations is one great accomplishment knowing they will not be disturbed for another 11 months. What else in the house can you say that about?

Bertha Broadbottom said...

My over-articulate niece told me that her tree had been abandoned in the yard. I told her it was reunited with it's natural habitat, and she let it go at that.