Saturday, January 17, 2009

another blurb

I realized that my posts of late have become short blurbs of funny samuel-isms but I actually have a thomas one for a change. He called for me after we put him to bed tonight and when i went in, he held up the transformer he had snuck to bed with him and plaintively asked "Why is this so freakin' hard?"

I have long suspected it, but when my two year old starts saying things like "freakin" I know exactly who he is copying. I guess it is time to start watching what I say. I already miss the more oblivious years. It's kind of amazing that while he hears and files away many things he is not supposed to say, he can't seem to hear me ask him to stop teasing Sam or eat his dinner.


La Yen said...

Jooj told me, in the car, "What is with all these freaking people?"

I am with you.

CKW said...

You always are, La Yen. I am thinking our kids are somehow subliminally connected. We should probably never have them together in the same room.

Bertha Broadbottom said...

Traffic. Idiot driver cuts me off, doesn't signal, driving like a maniac.
I keep my cursing, all fingers down...I'm feeling good at my lack of offensive behavior.
From the back seat Matthew pipes up, "Don't worry mom, I flipped them off for you."
Laughing or crying, my kids pay way too much attention to what I do and say!