Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Sam was playing boxing on the Wii tonight and asked Jay "why are we stretching our arms to that bad guy?" (he was describing punching the guy on the screen.) I can't decide if it is a testament to our amazing parenting that our kid is not familiar with a punch, or if (and I can't believe I'm saying this) he needs to fight more with his brother.

Jay has begun to doubt whether or not Samuel is actually his child or a foundling. Any of you who knew J in high school will understand this.


Kate said...

What is a foundling exactly? Is it the same as an orphan?

Either way, I don't think it's a bad thing that Sam isn't into punching. It'll happen soon enough I'm sure.

CKW said...

You mean the British didn't instruct you about foundlings when they told you to wipe a baby's bum with cotton balls and water instead of wipes!? :-) The idea pretty much originated in that area. A foundling is when people believed that fairies stole their baby and replaced it with a another baby that acted differently (i.e. sick or colicky). Unfortunately, they would often leave teh baby out in the open for the fairies to take back, and obviously the baby often died and the parents went on believing that their real child was off being raised by fairies somewhere. There is your history lesson for the day.

Kate said...

For the record, the Brits don't advocate cotton balls and water for the entire time, just when the baby is brand new...

As for the foundling lesson, that is actually pretty interesting. I imagine it was invented by some smart British woman to explain why the baby looked more like the blacksmith than her husband though...:)

CKW said...

Whatever! Brits are crazy!! And now that I come to think of it, maybe the word I was looking for was changeling and not foundling. I assumed it was the same things. Whatever! Someone should probably come from USU and take my folklore degree away...