Monday, January 5, 2009


Our church held a party for the primary kids on Saturday to introduce them to their new teachers for the year. Sam came home a proudly displayed the orange tissue paper fish he had made and said he "had a blast." the next day at church I heard from at least three people about how while working on his fish, he enthusiatically piped up with "I'm crafting!!"

I plead ignorance people! I won't say that I am not crafty when I have the time and opportunity, but I don't call it that and certainly have not had any time to do it lately. Has he been "crafting" behind my back?


Amy said...

Are you suggesting a "closet crafter"?

CKW said...

Maybe. We figure we just need to be loving and supportive and hope he grows out of it.

Adventures of Matt and Rae said...

I'm not sure what's funnier, the post or your comment to your post!

AMANDAM said...

I think you should look for some of the tell-tell signs of secret crafting such as glitter on his clothing, glue under his nails, and sissors hidden in his underwear drawer.
P.S. We also had the get-to-know your teacher activity. Joe and I teach the 7 year olds and only two came. They told us to prepare a 10 minute activity, which we did, and then spent about 20 minutes trying to think of questions to ask them to fill the time

CKW said...

Amanda, had I been drinking anything when I read your comment it would have come out my nose. That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

Your posts are so fun to read . . . you are such a clever and witty writer--- love it!!!

Bek said...

Ahem. He totally got that word from you miss "I got a sewing machine for Christmas". Don't play dumb.

He made a Nemo? Good one Sam...

CKW said...

Oh, I don't disagree that I have been known to craft, but not at least since T came along and he defintely came up with the phraseology himself.