Friday, October 3, 2008

My obedient boy!

Last week we were excited to find this desk for $20 at Savers. Sam spends 90% of his life drawing these days and we thought it would be fun for him to have this a space in his room that he could keep his art supplies and not be bugged by little brother. We painted over the ugly brown finish and were really pleased with the result. I had been kicking around the idea of finding a treasure map replica and modpodging it to the top of the desk to indulge the pirate theme Sam seems to want these days. The morning after we set it up, Sam was pestering me as I was working. In desperation I suggested that he "color on his new desk"

Bless his heart, that's exactly what he did....

spongebob and patrick and his name (sort of)!

A pirate and mickey mouse

This is me as Snow White for Halloween (I wish my eyelashes were that long!)

He was so proud when he told me to "come look at his new desk" and then was crushed when I couldn't repress my initial gasp of horror. He is very pleased with it and I know we can eventually paint it over, but in the meantime, I have learned a valuable lesson in literal 4-year olds.
In other news, I think I am the only person in the house that is excited about fall rainstorm coming this weekend. Rainy conference weekends are the best.


Kate said...

Yay! Thanks for the update! I love that story, and that picture of the boys looking despairingly out the window is classic. I love Thomas' outfit!

Jefe said...

it's like the amelia bedelia books! Just don't tell him to get lost, take a hike, go bug someone else. You would find someone in swarmed with bugs that Sam collected to "bug" them...

Adventures of Matt and Rae said...

I love that picture of the boys longingly looking out the window! So cute.

Amy said...

He did a wonderful job! I also LOVE rain conference weekends.

Mak said...

DMP said you should just lacquer (however you spell it) over it and preserve it forever!