Monday, October 6, 2008

We doesn't like to share our toys at all, does we, precious...?

In a futile attempt to end the constant wrangling over toys and the daily shrieks of "Thomas took my (insert special toy)" Jay made up a rule that anything that was downstairs was fair game. Samuel had to leave his special toys in his room, or deal with it when Thomas got his hands on them. Consequently, 3/4 of the downstairs toys have made it into the "no-thomas" zone in Samuel's room (along with every picture he has colored in the last year.)
On the bright side, it makes his bedroom floor cleaner than it would normally be.


Amy said...

Sharing?? what is sharing?? We just have screaming down to an art form at our house, and then Delaney gets whatever Delaney wants.

Jefe said...

(picture me doing this voice which creeps you out oh so much). We hates nasty thomases! Always stealing poor Sam's special rabbits and bears. Poor Samuel!

Cute now the trick is to get him to put the safe zone at the di. Goodbye unwanted and extraneous toys.. :)

Bek said...

That is a good rule. Lu has her own room for that reason, but instead of Jacob being a toy-grabber, it turns out Norah is the stinker!! She LOVES to go into lu's room and "shop".

Poor Samuel, to be a big brother is tough business. It is only slightly less difficult than being a little brother!