Monday, December 22, 2008

Tha happiest place on earth (part 1)

Our favorite trip is always our yearly trek to Disneyland! We have always been lucky enough to be joined by sister Bek and her family (children's code names are intact!) This year we hit a few snags, but still had a great time!

Friday (the day before we leave): Moments after enjoying Training Table cheese fries with my younger brother, I feel less than awesome. I don't get too alarmed since I am still prone to bouts of morning (my eye!) sickness. I scrap all my good intentions to finish my lists and pack and have everything sitting neatly by the door by the time j makes it home from work. Instead I bully the boys into taking naps so I can "sleep it off." By 6 pm it is clear that I have caught the flu, the likes of which I have not seen in 9 years (the last time I was ever that sick, it was my birthday!) By 10 pm I am wishing J would mercy kill me and am resolutely trying not to think about the fact that I have not finished my lists, the laundry or done any packing whatsoever. I kick J onto the downstairs couch (to keep him safe from germs, right?) whimper through the night and finally fall asleep around 4 a.m.
Saturday morning: Sweet J takes the kids out of the house early to give me a chance to sleep in peace and quiet (my kids are incapable of being quiet. They sometimes even fight in their sleep). They visit McDonald's, and get the oil changed in the truck. Sam is strangely quiet and not hungry. As they pull into the driveway, he leans over and pukes onto the seat (I should note here that the truck is the first car we have owned without easily wipeable leather seats. We regretted that decision long before they were ever puked on.) Thomas looks over at Samuel with wide eyes and says:

"Duuuude! What are you doing!?"

Meanwhile, I find that I am (with the help of Zofran and tylenol) able to stand. Packing consists of throwing things unfolded into suitcases and rubber totes. We throw it into the back of the truck rejoicing that for the first time we don't have to play tetris in the truck with our luggage (Since we are all friends here, I don't mind admitting that that particular reason was at least 50% of the allure of getting a truck in the first place!). We pile into the car and I find that as long as my eyes are closed the whole time, I'm good. Sam agrees. We find our hotel and find ourselves eating Pizza and Jello at midnight.
Sunday: We leave Vegas around 9:00 looking forward to the short drive to the LA area. We're going to go swimming! Maybe the beach! We'll have dinner in Downtown Disney!!!...

Or, maybe we will spend the next eight hours completing what should have been a three hour drive. Clearly everyone in Southern California had spent the thanksgiving holiday in Vegas. It actually made us feel better that Bek, who was coming down from SF, was also hitting the same kind of traffic. It made us feel a little less picked on!

Early to bed...Disneyland in the morning.

Monday: First stop is the character breakfast. We love this. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is not interested in waiting in long lines to see your children's favorite characters around the park. Although Captain Hook's attempt to approach the table put Thomas into hysterics.

Thomas' face is how he looked most of the breakfast!

To be continued...


Kate said...

Great update Cynj. I love all the pictures. I wish we could've been there, I yearn for Disneyland. :)