Monday, December 22, 2008

Happiest Place on Earth (part 2)

Tuesday - Of course Jay came down with the same flu I had and spent almost the entire day in bed. We hung out at the park for awhile and then came back and went swimming and watched fireworks.

Wednesday - Wednesday rocked! Lines were great, Jay recovered, food tasted good again and Sam got picked to be in the Jedi training show!

Thursday - Bek and family left on Thursday morning and we spent one last day in the park. It wasn't quite the same without our usual Disneyland compadres, but we had fun on their behalf!

No trip to California is complete without a trip to Boston Market! Those of you who have them near you, we envy you, and we may come visit you....
Thomas wasn't as impressed as we have raised him to be!
It's always nice to come home and crawl into our own beds! We are almost as attached to our awesome bed as we are to our children and we miss it greatly when we have to sleep anywhere else. No one puked on the way home although Sam claimed it was "the longest drive in his life." I tend to agree. We'll fly next time. I miss the churros already!


Kate said...

Another great post. I love the picture with Sam and the giant lolly pop, he looks like he can't quite believe his luck.

Thanks for this.

Anya said...

looks like you guys had so much fun. Please, take us with you next time.