Monday, November 3, 2008

There's a storm a-comin'

The weather channel has predicted an end to this completely gorgeous October and tells me that we can expect snow and rain within the next week. We hustled to get the yard winterized (our first clueless year of being homeowners with trees, we left all the vegetation and fallen leaves to do what it wanted until spring.) Yucky mush is what we ended up carting out in the spring.

The boys, who had previously refused to set foot outside lately because the back yard (with its array of trampolines, balls, trucks, slides and dirt) was "boring and hot/cold," discovered that leaves are fun!
When it actually did rain on Sunday, Sam wanted to go out. Wet leaves aren't nearly as much fun as dry ones!

Thomas also wanted to put on a raincoat and boots, but did not want pants (until he had his boots on, and then I said no - I knew he wouldn't last long). It took about one step out the door and a few raindrops on his face for him to change his mind (and then gave us accusing looks like we tricked him).


Amy said...

If your done over there....

La Yen said...

I wish we had weather. Other than 90 degrees...

And my word verification is balsagna.