Sunday, November 9, 2008


Every Sunday Samuel protests about going to church. He is no longer fooled that Primary is more fun than nursery where he requests to return to every week. He always end up having fun though and treasures whatever craft or picture he made for the whole week. I think the lesson this week though may have changed his mind about whether it is "boring" or not. He came home with a picture of a skeleton. Confused, we asked him why he drew that and he explained that it is a "skeleton who helps you feel good". We concluded that he had learned about the Holy Ghost and with all of his halloween memories fresh in his mind, he thought a skeleton was cooler than a "ghost." The Holy Skeleton? That helps people? I have no doubt that his teachers explained what the Holy Ghost is not your average ghost, but I know for a fact that he only hears one word out of three when we talk to him. I'm sure he stopped at ghost and gathered that it helps people, and took it from there. We'll have to work on that.

In Thomas news, he has been torturing me lately by getting out of bed multiple times a night and running around the house. We tried putting a baby gate on the stairs, but he had no trouble scaling it. We tried bagging him (basically like a sleep sack for a toddler. It keeps him from getting his leg over the side of the crib) but the wily kid shimmied right out of it in about 30 seconds. We put a child lock on the inside of his room, but after two nights he figured that out too. Now we are waiting for the crib tent to arrive (which we had wanted to avoid buying since he is relatively close to a big boy bed) and in the meantime, I have to be on the listen out for nocturnal toddler wanderings. Last night I didn't hear him at all, but got up around 4 a.m. to let the cat out and saw that his door was open and his bed was empty. I listened...nothing. All the doors to the outside have child locks on them, but that didn't comfort me much since he is a mini houdini apparently. I checked Sam's bed, I checked the downstairs. I started to get frantic and was about to turn on the lights and wake up Jay when I noticed a little white shape in the hallway outside our bedroom door that I had stepped over at least four times assuming it was a toy or part of the laundry pile nearby (give me a break, it was dark and I didn't have my contacts in). It was my son, peacefully curled up in the hallway. Who knows how long he cavorted through the house before deciding that was an awesome place to sleep. And great mother that I am, I rummaged around another five minutes in the dark until I found my camera. I knew my priorities. Here you go.

I am totally using this as more evidence that I need lasik surgery. Maybe next year. Maybe the crib tent will arrive tomorrow.


Amy said...

Maybe you should just put him to bed in the hall ;)

CKW said...

I'm willing to try anything.

Jen said...

We tied Kevin's door from the outside for a few months when he was first in a toddler bed. Such a fun transition period! Good luck with the crib tent!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the anonymous link...just for me. One thought, perhaps you could provide a "pallet" floor bed for him (in your closet) Seems he needs/wants in your room...give him his own in the closet.

CKW said...

JMK - I have actually considered that too! Although I am pretty sure that what he thinks he "needs" is to be wedged in between us, digging his strong little toes into my leg. I haven't ruled it out though. The problem is keeping him contained. He twirls like an eggbeater at night.

Becky said...

We LOVE our crib tent! It will buy you at least another 4 months of naps/worry free nights of sleep. It does get a little tricky once they figure out how to unzip the thing from the inside. . . an impressive feat really, but safety pins are your friends in that situation. Good luck!