Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Incongruity, thy name is child

Last night at the store, Sam was came with me to spend the last of his money from his Montana trip. Getting bored in the produce section, he decided to shimmy down and lay on his tummy in the space under the cart (where you carry big things). This particular cart had long wire slats rather than a wire grid and he somehow got both his knees wedged down in between the slats and couldn't get them back through. The next five minutes had us both on the floor, with him howling in pain and me trying to pull the slats further apart, straightening his knees, twisting him to the side, etc. to no avail while visions of the Roy City fire department having to saw the cart in half danced in my head. Eventually, with the help of a few concerned fellow shoppers, we twisted him just right and got him out. As he dried his tears, I thanked his rescuers (both middle aged women who went away good-naturedly snickering). I turned to Sam and spoke over his post-sobbing, gaspy breaths and said "We're not going to sit under the cart anymore okay?" He looked at me in astonishment (tears still lingering in his eyes) and said "WHY??"

(deep breath)


Bek said...

Cyndi, these stories are so funny and remind me SO much of Cubby.

Also, the conversations you have with Thomas are the same ones I have with No and Cubby all day long (but instead of saying I'm scared, N says Apple Juice...it all comes back to apple juice...)

Kate said...

I love that story! I know they're a trial now, but how great that you'll have these stories when they're older. Poor Sam, he doesn't want to be stuck, but didn't exactly want to give up the fun under the cart!

I love it!

Jefe said...

Awesome sam story. I would laugh at you in the store, but I would also feel bad. It would be pretty awesome.

Mak said...

This is why I'm glad I have girls!

Becky said...

I feel your pain. . . but I'm laughing too.

Adventures of Matt and Rae said...

Oh the joy of what we get to look forward to! LOL

Jen said...

So, occassionaly I like to go back and read older posts (especially when I am laid up on the couch). I had to laugh at Sam getting stuck under the shopping cart. Not only because of the way kids think but because one of my boys got his knees stuck the exact same way!!! I think it was Andrew, last year sometime. I couldn't believe how hard it was to get him unstuck. One time was the charm though, he has been very leery of the bottom rack of the cart since then.