I'm a big believer in the idea that often used adages are based on real truth, particularly the one that says "It never rains, but it pours" and the one that says "beware the 19th of July because you might end up in the hospital with your third born on the fifth anniversary of the hellish hospital experience with your first born's broken arm" (if that isn't actually an oft used adage then I'm making it one! Spread the word people - and anyone who is curious about this "anniversary" and doesn't know what I am talking about, remind me to tell you sometime...)
Long story short, Janie developed a fever this weekend and was admitted for a few days. It looks like a unrinary tract infection and a virus. Test results tomorrow will let us know what further tests/treatment need to be done since UTI's are not common for this age. Hopefully it is on the less bad end of what the possibilities are.
In the meantime, a few far away friends and family have requested new pictures. Now, she isn't in pink, which goes against everything that feels right at the moment and there is no bow in her hair which I almost can't stand. Bear with me because you may not recognize her...
Just chillin' and being calmer, quieter (and prettier) than all the babies in all the other rooms.