Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm clearly doing something wrong

The other day we passed a mini-golf course and Sam got excited about going sometime.

"Mom!! We can go golfing! Dad can go and we'll bring Thomas, and you can stay home...and fix dinner."



AMANDAM said...

I would take it as a compliment. You clearly seem so happy to care for them and cook them meals that Sam thinks that making dinner for them is something you would enjoy. At least he didn't say "and you can stay home and drink your happy juice and pretend we were never born."

CKW said...

That's probably coming...
Considering that he complains about everything I cook, I wouldn't have thought he would be that eager for me to go home and do more of it.

Anna Linnea said...

You lucky little lady! Very funny, thanks for the laugh!

Bradshaw Adventures said...

Sam cracks me up!!! I totally miss you guys and are way over due for a random cafe rio trip and the summer hasn't even started!!!

Anonymous said...

Good to know your teaching him "traditional" values, lol


Anonymous said...

Will boys ever learn?? Probably not.

You know just how to pen the most comical situations!

Jefe said...

I just want you to know, you inspired me to do my bi-annual update...