Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Post 100 - Back to killing my own spiders

Mr. and Mrs. Wren - August 16, 2001

I know that in the blogger world, a big deal is often made of the 100th post. Back around 50, I wondered what imaginative thing I would do with mine. As it happens, fate and the fact that I have finally gathered sufficient strength has decreed that post 100 will be to announce a devastating change in our family. This is not the time or the forum for details, but we will leave it that J has decided to move on to what he feels is greener grass.

Sad is too tame a word for what we feel around here. Although we have been buoyed up by many loving family members and friends, we all really miss our Daddy/Companion and are hurting from his decision to go. We all wish his choice had been different, but we are now left with the reality of picking up the broken pieces of this home and making it into something that works and is a loving and peaceful place for my three little ones to grow.

To this end, this will be the final post for The Wren Birds. As chronicles go, I would say this is a definite end of a chapter. I've never been accused of being unsentimental and I feel like the posts in this blog belong to the complete family that we were. It has been a month since he left and although "getting my feet under me" varies from day to day, I feel like I need to do something to signal a new beginning. Even if it is just a new blog, with a new title and a new feel.

This new phase of our lives will be chronicled (is that a word? If not, it should be) at:

(I know! Irony...I couldn't resist.)

We welcome any and all prayers and good vibes sent our way as the weeks and months ahead will be very difficult as we adjust and find a new normal.

Friday, October 2, 2009


In the last 24 hours:

Samuel and Thomas got into a fight and Sam stood up and shouted:

"That's it!! This is the END of our happy friendship!!!"

I asked Thomas to grab me a diaper for Sis and he looked and me and then down at the toys he had clutched in his hands and said apologetically:

"Sorry Mom, I can't. I have a toy in each hand..."

Janie thinks it is funny when you sneeze.