Tuesday, February 10, 2009

They get their moves from me!

This was the family disco held the first night. Sam and his cousin Jack particularly know how to shake it!

Yes, thomas, stomping and clapping does count as dancing...

Every night in the dining room, music would come on and the waiters would dance and sing. The kids got a particular kick out of it, but my mother in law can also boogy with the best of them. This video of Sam shows him a little more subdued than he was moments before I started filming.


Kate said...

Great videos! I love how serious Sam is in the first one, he's really got that twisting thing down.

It sounds like you guys had a great time on your cruise!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!! Can't believe both boys are able to keep "flip flops" (and sunglasses) on all the time!!!

Bek said...

That was adorable. Sam dancing in the first one is going to make me giggle for days.

Great,now I have to find something adorable of MY kids to show (not so easy these days, unless being a stinker or have rivers of green snot on your face is adorable...).

You pictures were great, it looks like it was so much fun.